Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal ulangan harian Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 dengan materi pokok: Getting attention, checking understanding, showing appreciation, dan asking for opinion. Silakan pelajari jika saat ini kamu sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ulangan harian yang pertama di kelas 8. Untuk memudahkan, saya juga sudah menyiapkan sebuah video yang berisi kunci jawaban masing-masing soal dan penjelasan nya. Selamat belajar! -
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Ulangan Harian 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
Materi Pokok: Getting attention, checking understanding, showing appreciation, asking for opinion
Part 1: Choose the correct answer! (Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat!)
1.Which of the following is an expression of getting attention?
a.Excuse me!
b.Well done!
c.Is it clear?
d.Any questions?
2.Which of the following is an expression of checking understanding?
a.Are you with me?
b.What do you think?
c.That’s a brilliant idea
d.Attention please
3.Which of the following is an expression of showing appreciation?
a.Can I have your attention, please?
b.That is an amazing artwork
c.How do you feel about this?
d.Please, look at this image
4.Which of the following is a way to ask for opinion?
a.In my opinion, that is very beautiful
b.Tell me what you think about this
c.What an amazing video
d.Do you get my point?
5.We say “Excellent work! / It’s beautiful / Well done” when we . . .
a.want to criticize someone’s work
b.want to appreciate someone’s work
c.want to say bad things about someone’s work
d.want to ask something about someone’s work
Part 2: Complete the following statements by using a word from the options provided below! (Lengkapi pernyataan berikut ini dengan menggunakan satu kata dari pilihan yang telah disediakan!)
Word Choice: Patient, Generous, Talkative, Beautiful, Creative
1.That is a . . . . . painting. A lot of people want to buy it.
2.Mr. Dodi is a . . . . . person. He donates a lot of money every month to help poor children.
3.Clarisa is very . . . . . . She always has many things to say.
4.Mr. Rendra is a . . . . . teacher. He always finds interesting activites for his class.
5.Miss Nina is a . . . . . teacher. She doesn’t get angry easily.
Part 3: Complete the following dialogue! (Lengkapi percakapan berikut ini!)
1.Mona: Excuse me, Sir!
Employee: . . . . .
Mona: I’m looking for an English dictionary
Employee: It’s right there on the corner
a.Excuse me, too
b.Yes, can I help you?
c.Yes, Mam! Thank you!
d.I have your attention
2.Teacher: Attention please! Please write down five new words that you find in the text.
Students: Yes, Sir!
Teacher: After that, make five sentences with the words. . . .
Students: Yes, Sir!
a.Is it clear?
b.What do you think?
c.Attention please!
d.Nice work!
3.Fifi: I want to show you my drawing. What do you think?
Nana: . . .
Fifi: Do you really think so?
Nana: Yes, I do. It is beautiful.
a.Is it yours?
b.That’s beautiful!
c.How did you do that?
d.A word, please!
4.Rian: . . . . .
Andi: In my opinion, our new principal is charismatic
Rian: Yes, I agree with you
a.Do you know who our new principal is?
b.When will our new principal come to our school?
c.What do you think about our new principal?
d.Do you like our new principal?
5.Clara: Welcome to my new house!
Nini: Wow! It’s so big! Amazing!
Clara: . . . . .
a.Sure, that’s my house
b.I told you yesterday
c.I think your house is also big
d.I’m glad you like it
Itulah tadi 15 contoh soal tentang Getting attention, checking understanding, showing appreciation, dan asking for opinion yang saya buat, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi sobat pembaca semua. Saya akhiri sampai di sini, sampai ketemu lagi di artikel lainnya. Jangan lupa, tonton dan subscribe video berikut ini ya:
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